The zee, its blackened waters pitch,
Calls to me, with eerie glow:
It seeks to leave me all betwitched,
So I need not fear the undertow.

Yet any wizened sailor knows:
The zee, though it seems kinder than the sun above,
Does not hesitate to take and impose
Its violent rules and -

Above - above, shove, love - covet?; dove, glove; thereof... thereof

Yet any wizened sailor knows:
The zee, though it seems kinder than the sun above,
Does not hesitate to take and impose
Its violent rules and turn your flesh thereof.

To drown when one is in the Neath
Is to become a thrall of the Fathomking

Don't mention the Fathomking at all.

The Eager Poet


Freshly adult - or close enough, anyway - the Poet has all of London laid out before nem.

Nir father was born in the Neath; nir mother was born in the surface. Maybe ne followed the killer of a family member down from the Surface; maybe nir mother ended up raising nem down below. Either way, nir father is long-missing, presumably dead, and nir mother has recently passed as well.

The Neath is a place of wonder, to the Poet's eyes, and filled with infinite potential. While ne has goals and some understanding of the machinations going on here, ne still greets things with enthusiasm and intrigue. Ne is prone, as well, to treating everyone as an 'equal': rattus faber, rubbery man, clay man either finished or unfinished... the mysterious Masters. Everyone receives basic respect given to all living things, unless they're rude to the Poet. Nobody receives differential treatment. This is likely to get nem in trouble later.

In all nir incarnations, the Poet tends to wear multiple layers of clothes, flowing and baggy. Despite the fact ne has a lot of stray, fluttering fabric, ne never gets caught on things, although nir clothes have clearly ripped before and been repaired by the Poet nemself. Ne also wears a lot of jewelry - ne has pierced ears, so ne wears a pair of earrings, many bracelets and anklets, and multiple layers of necklaces. The only thing ne doesn't wear much, in terms of jewelry, is rings; although ne may sport a few small ones, depending on nir life choices. Ne also has dark brown hair, messy and frizzy, that ne keeps in a tight braid with numerous flyaway strands. Nir eyes are brown, too, a lighter brown than nir hair. The Poet has a pale face with freckles and flushed cheeks. As the Eager Poet, ne smiles frequently.

The Eager Poet quickly strikes up an income flow in the form of submitting poems to Mr Huffam, on top of having inherited a decent amount of money from nir mother. Beyond that... depending on how nir father died, and whether or not ne was raised in London, ne may either choose to go to the zee as a zee-captain or remain landbound in London.

Stage Two

Zee-CaptainTrue Londoner
Sunpoisoned PoetConniving Poet
Both Pssst... these buttons don't work right now!
Dreamer Poet N/A